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SunfurbitoFCJoin Our Football Team in London! Looking for passionate football players t ...📍 Hackney Marshes London E9 5PY, UK
Foreign London FCCurrently looking for a full time Goalkeeper. Foreign London FC are heading i ...📍 Stratford , London, UK
Sunday league teamGoalkeeper needed for competitive Men's 11-a-side Sunday league team. We play ev ...📍 Hackney Marshes London E9 5PY, UK
À proximité de : Chigwell, United Kingdom
titi : Come one !
titi : on*
Delort : I'm new in London. If there are some players in London playing football I'm in
Oliver : Who wants to play football in London guys?
Old Finchleians : Old Finchleians are looking for committed players specifically goalkeepers for Saturday league football based in North London, next to Woodside park, tube station (Northern line)
Message us or add us on Instagram.
Ker : Holland Guayaquil FC is looking for players to play regularly on Sundays. Players in different positions needed.
Yassin : Need a goalkeeper asap for pro touch SA we’ve got a tournament on Saturday and need one. You don’t need to be super good so don’t feel nervous to respond.
himuel : anyone available to play tomorrow at 8pm @ Oval? outfield or goalkeeper welcome, we only need one more !
Union Canal : Looking for a decent (Sunday league level) goalkeeper for my football team.. we play at regents park on Sundays and are a good group of lads between 23-32 years old.. 10:30am kick offs.. pre season starts from the 4th August. Please find me on instagram @unioncanalfc
Conty Fc : Evening looking for a goal keeper 11 a side Sunday morning Enfield area
07402712362 Logan
Stefan : Currently looking for a full time Goalkeeper.
Foreign London FC are heading into our second season in the Reagent's Park League sunday 11aside.
We play our games in west London (acton) and east London (stratford)
Nick : AYA FC looking for a Sunday league level full time goalkeeper available to play on Sundays. We play in the Barnet Sunday Football League Div 5 and our home ground is Enfield Playing Fields. 07984641582
: - Looking for 2x goalkeepers, any ability is fine
- We play 9 a side on Tuesdays/Wednesdays at 7pm for 1 hour in Russell Square
- We will pay you £10 per game to play
- Quality is decent
GEOGOS FC : Hi all. Looking for a keeper to play Tuesday nights at City of London Academy Bermondsey for a 7 a side team.
Roby : Good afternoon, I'm looking for a team that is playing in the league in the West London area. I played in the last league, and we were in second place. But unfortunately my team moved to the Enfield area.
Enver : Hey, we have a competetive and solid team playing in a tournament supported by Brentford FC. We look for a goalkeeper playing with us every wednesday. Contact me if interested 905336117464 whatsapp
Al Fairs FC
: Looking for a Goalkeeper for Sunday 10th November. Contact me if interested on 07852449348
Kaan : 18 Nov Monday (today) evening 8pm multiple players and/or goalkeeper needed.
07483176835 for messages!
UG : Need a keeper for 5aside outdoor old street league Wednesdays games are 40 minutes either 7:00 / 7:40 / 8.20 Whatsapp if interested 07816316232
Gui : Looking for players in London to join my club. All level accepted but got to be available on Saturdays
447513894057 speak soon
: Need 2 players for a friendly 5/6 a side game tomorrow (Saturday 21st) at 1PM Royal Oak: Torquay St, London W2 5EW
If available please whatsapp me on 07733106635
Roberto : GK in Lewisham. Looking for 5,6,7,8 a side football team in the area. Contact me on 0778381128

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